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As Christians, we are called to be active participants in our communities, standing up for truth and righteousness. Voting is an important way to fulfill this calling, giving us the chance to shape our nation in a way that reflects biblical values.

When we register to vote and cast our ballots, we’re not just making our voices heard—we’re standing for justice, integrity, and the common good. By engaging in the political process, we honor the freedoms and opportunities God has given us, making sure that our influence helps promote His will in the world.

Check that you’re registered to vote. And if you’re not – then register TODAY!
Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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  • God bless the city of destiny worldwide 🔌🌐 🙏🏿

  • The Holy Spirit put on my heart, our Pulpit Leaders escape from the division of politics that so many block in their ecclesia. It is the missing link in our civics to glorify God. We must see God’s view of His 1787 Creation through His eyes, His last nation, designed in Liberty, to make it to the end-time. Bringing the most souls as possible to Heaven is the only goal of our Godly Civics and to do that our USA must survive in Liberty. Please pray on that.
    God put 34 rebels against the European Church-state system on a new arc, the Mayflower, to start a new nation for the people governed by Nature’s laws and representatives that seek them. The Pilgrims are God’s remnant like Noah, Abrahaham, and Moses, finally leaving all the Caesars behind in a virgin land. His 1787 Creation is like Israel except this time for everyone to see Him and find Him, but no human Caesars, only stewards.
    The Body of Christ is the only group that can redeem our USA back to God’s 1787 Creation in Liberty and Justice for all. Our churches cannot unite because they are sovereign groups divided by doctrine. Jesus will be back before that happens.
    But the Body of Christ can unite for Religious Liberty that only exists inside Social Liberty and bring Godly Civics into their ecclesiae. Our banner is Yahweh-Nissi (or Jehovah-Nissi) – God is my banner! It only appears once, perhaps for today.
    Pastor White’s connection to P45/47 may be the only person to quietly behind the scenes help spread Godly Civics like a North Star or John the Baptist. She can even have it, there is nothing in it for me. I am sackcloth and locusts all the way, but a unified Body of Christ is the only way P45/47 will have the landside needed to drive the devil’s Blue Faction out. Please, Abba Father, have someone read this.
    Blessings to you.

  • davidrukk362 says:

    zion city of destiny holy city jerusalem gates to heaven holy city

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