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If you have been pursuing God and asking for a supernatural change in your life, I have good news: God is ready to release 7 specific Atonement Blessings as found in Joel 2, and He is calling you!

God has set aside specific times He calls “Holy”, feasts or times for us to honor Him because of His mercy and grace. By observing these specific times, He releases blessing because of our obedience. 

Jesus Himself observed God’s Feast Days (Matthew 26:17-30).

We are about to transition from 5784 (Hebrew year) into 5785 on God’s divine calendar on Rosh Hashanah, October 3rd (sundown Oct 2nd). A trumpet or shofar blast announces on this day the beginning of the Fall Feasts of the Lord that celebrate the “Feast of Trumpets (or Rosh Hashanah Oct 3rd), “The Day of Atonement” (or Yom Kippur Oct 12th), and “The Feast of Tabernacles”(Sukkot Oct 16th– Oct 23rd).

God’s upcoming Atonement season (during Tabernacles) is His third and final annual feast this year and an opportunity to honor Him on his holiest day: the Day of Atonement- October 12th (beginning at sundown Oct 11th)! We are not held to the rituals, routines, or even the law of the Old Testament. BUT, we are not released from the principles Jesus himself fulfilled!

Jesus Christ became our “Atonement” for you and me by placing His shed blood on the Mercy Seat. We are honoring and celebrating the Blood Covenant, reconciliation to God, and wholeness by honoring God as He commands us on the Day of Atonement!  God said in Exodus 25 about the Mercy Seat on top of the Ark of the Covenant inside the Holy of Holies in heaven: “And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat. And you shall put the mercy seat upon the ark. And THERE I WILL MEET with you, and I will commune with you from above the mercy seat…”

God commanded His people to honor these “holy days” forever: …these are the LORD’s appointed festivals, the official days for holy assembly that are to be celebrated at their proper times each year (Leviticus 23:4) on God’s eternal calendar. 

“Be careful to celebrate the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of that same month—nine days after the Festival of Trumpets. You MUST observe it as an official day for holy assembly, a day to deny yourselves and present special gifts to the LORD(Leviticus 23:27). 

The DAY OF ATONEMENT, or Yom Kippur, is God’s biblical holy day that He established on His sacred calendar as a covenant of repentance and promise for you and to release the fullness of His blessings and presence into your life! As the HOLIEST DAY OF THE YEAR to God, the Day of Atonement includes:

  • prayer and fasting
  • sacrificial offerings
  • and studying God’s Word

There are SEVEN SUPERNATURAL BLESSINGS released to God’s people for the next year:

  1. DOUBLE PORTION (Joel 2:23)
  3. RESTORATION (Joel 2:25)
  4. MIRACLES (Joel 2:26)
  5. GOD’S DIVINE PRESENCE (Joel 2:27)
  7. DELIVERANCE (Joel 2:32)



Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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