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Pastor Paula meets at White House with Faith Leaders, the Vice-President and Senior Officials…

On October 9 Pastor Paula convened over 130 Pastors from the state of Florida to the White House for a one-day listening session. Pastors from the 1-4 corridor came to the nation’s capital to discuss policies that affect the countries future and American’s way of life. Ministry leaders from many different denominations and organizations had the opportunity to ask representatives from the President’s administration questions ranging from health care, prison reform and reentry, education, the economy, and religious liberty.

The event featured seven agency Faith Directors that work closely with Pastor Paula who gave insight into the faith initiatives of each of their agencies. The ministry leaders were able to ask questions to the Directors of the Faith and Opportunity Initiative from HUD, FEMA and the Departments of Commerce, Agriculture, Education, Labor, and State. The event allowed the organizations represented to have a personal contact in case they needed assistance in funding or to navigate through governmental issues they are facing.

The event was highlighted by a visit from Vice President Pence who expressed the appreciation from the President and himself on the powerful effect ministries have on our communities, the prayers of God’s people for them and for Pastor Paula’s tireless efforts in bringing God’s people together at the White House.


Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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