This book will provide practical strategies and wisdom to help you:

  • Identify and overcome negative thought patterns that are holding you back
  • Renew your mind and align your thoughts with God’s truth
  • Cultivate a mindset of joy, confidence, and spiritual victory
  • Break free from anxiety, fear, and other mental/emotional strongholds
  • Live a prophetic life where your thoughts and actions flow from the Spirit

I am passionate about personal growth and overcoming life’s challenges, and I wanted to share an incredible resource that I have made that has the power to transform your mindset and your life.

I want to help you understand the immense power of our thoughts and the critical importance of renewing our minds according to God’s word. I have shared my own personal journey in parts of the book about  how I overcame negative self-perception and anxiety by immersing myself in Scripture and learning to see myself as God does. This is what this book will do for you.

We live in a world that can often feel overwhelming, with constant pressures, worries, and fears bombarding our minds. But the true battlefield we face is in our thoughts – and by learning to control and renew our minds, we can experience the peace, joy, and abundant life that God desires for us.

I truly believe this book has the power to revolutionize your life, just as it has for so many others. Sharing my personal struggles and triumphs, but also providing the roadmap for you to break free from the anxiety, identify and overcome, and renew your mind makes this a profoundly relatable and impactful read.

I encourage you to get your copy of The Power of Thoughts today. This investment in your spiritual and mental well-being will be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Don’t let another day go by feeling weighed down by negative thoughts and emotions. Discover the freedom, joy, and purpose that come from renewing your mind according to God’s word. I know this book will bless you tremendously.

For your ministry gift of $20 or more, Receive Paula’s book “The Power of Your Thoughts”

For your ministry gift of $30 or more, Receive Paula’s book and the 2-CD series “The Power of Your Thoughts”

Have you ever stopped to think about what you’re thinking about? It’s an odd question; however, what your mind is rehearsing—especially when you’re not focusing on something specific—is a huge indicator of who you are. Your thoughts are like a mirror revealing your deepest fears, your wants and desires, your future path, and, ultimately, who you are. 

This is why it is imperative to think about what we’re thinking about. As the apostle Paul told the Corinthians:

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”  —2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NIV.

The mind is the seat of ALL spiritual and carnal conflict. It’s the place of victory or defeat… success or failure. 

Paula White Cain has been serving God for more than four decades. She’s witnessed and counseled God-loving, God-fearing people who just never seemed to obtain the breakthroughs they desired. 

Did God love them less? 

Of course not! What keeps so many believers in bondage is their thoughts! 

“A thought is like a seed that is planted into our souls. As we continue to think similar thoughts repeatedly, they take root. The mind is the seat of ALL spiritual and carnal conflict… you see, the flesh and the spirit are in constant conflict!


That’s why, the MIND is the Battlefield. There is power in your thoughts… because… what controls our mind, controls our life!”



What you believe, what you say, and even what you feel stems from what you think. 


“For as he thinks within himself, so he is” —Proverbs 23:7a NASB. 

In “The Power of Your Thoughts,” Paula White Cain leads you on a journey to renewing your mind so that your thoughts align with God’s Word and God’s character. This book and teaching will help you understand WHY you think what you think. It will help you identify the destructive patterns of thought so that you can change them. 

When you begin to think the thoughts that the Lord has toward you, then you will discover your true self or essence. Life will come into focus, and you’ll experience clarity. When you don’t know who you are, you have an identity crisis; it’s a state of confusion regarding your nature and direction.

This book serves as a road map, illuminating the truth so that you can recognize the obstacles in your thinking that have been holding you back from success in every area of life. If you want to see change and experience lasting transformation, it starts with your thinking!

God loves you, and He is for you! He isn’t holding out on you. He longs for you to renew your mind to think like He thinks. 


Master your mind; master your life!

This book will help you understand WHY you think what you think. It will help you identify the destructive patterns of thought so that you can change them.

For your ministry gift of $20 or more, we will send to you Paula’s incredible new book… a step by step guide walking you through topics like: The Spiritual Mind , No More Masks , Breaking The Mold , Revelation Thinking , What’s Holding You Back , What Do We Really Think?  and much much more!

For your ministry gift of $30 or more, in addition to the brand-new book , we will rush to you the new companion 2-disc series on audio CD “The Power of Your Thoughts” as well.


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