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Pastor Paula Sponsors “Project Shine” for Refugee Children…

Pastor Paula participated in the Youth For Tomorrow (VA) Project Shine event, which she co-sponsored, for refugee children ranged from 10-17 years of age, including 55 boys and 49 girls (several of the teenage girls being cared for were pregnant). The faith community came together with Pastor Paula to provide compassionate aid to these refugee minors housed at the care center. Uniting together with leaders from several local ministries, Pastor Paula, participated in “Project Shine”, a refugee mission initiative that provides refugee minors with a day of fun, enrichment and hope.

Throughout the day, Pastor Paula, showed forth the love of Jesus to these unfortunate children as she served as an active particpant in serving the children authentic Central American food catered in and gifting each child with a backpack filled with school supplies and a duffle bag stocked full of toiletry items, soccer shirts, socks and shorts. She also sponosored an exciting children’s soccer clinic, complete with a soccer gift pack for participants. Most importantly of all, she hugged each child and spoke words of encouragement and God’s love into each ear of every child there.

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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