
Why Stand with Israel?

Paula White Ministries and Pastor Paula White-Cain have a long, successful history of supporting Israel and God’s Chosen people. Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should place a high value on the Jewish people because God has. In the Bible, in Genesis 12:3, the Lord reminds us of the covenant He made with Abraham when He said:

“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

This relates not only to the Jewish people but also to the nation of Israel. And in this pivotal moment in human history, we are called to STAND with ISRAEL! This isn’t about politics; this is about living in harmony with the WORD of God!   

As Senior Advisor to President Trump of Faith and Opportunity Initiative, Pastor Paula worked closely with faith leaders and the Trump administration in helping  move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the bringing together of three Abrahamic religions to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue with the signing of the Abrahamic Accords in 2020 by representatives from Bahrain, Emirates, Israel, and the United States, recognition of Israel’s biblical sovereignty in the Golan Heights, signing an executive order that recognizes “anti-Zionism” as “antisemitism,” and so much more! 


On a personal level, for the Jewish people, along with Pastor Paula’s recent humanitarian assistance to the Moshav or village of HaBeshor, which is just three miles from the Gaza border, Paula White Ministries has helped families rebuild their lives with much-needed household goods like washing machines and dryers destroyed in the attack by Hamas on October 7th. 

In addition, Pastor Paula is now undertaking a major goal of helping build a much-needed Sports Complex for the war-traumatized children in this village, who heard the sirens, ran to the bomb shelters, and saw the dead bodies, helping them recover psychologically from the massacre. 

In July 2024, in Washington D.C., Pastor Paula was honored to meet privately with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Pastor John Hagee, and other Christian leaders as the Prime Minister thanked and expressed his appreciation to the U.S. evangelical community for their unwavering support of Israel, for their prayers for the release of the hostages, their prayers for the IDF soldiers, and the security of the State of Israel at this “crossroads of history.” 

There are so many reasons for us to STAND with ISRAEL—biblically, culturally, and morally. Jesus was a Jew! Remember, until the Gospel spread, the Christian church was almost entirely Jewish. Israel is OUR SPIRITUAL LEGACY—yours and mine! 



If you would like to find out how you can help Paula White Ministries make a difference and help Israel today – CLICK HERE

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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