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Help me provide these much needed school supplies and care for children and their families.

You can let little boys and girls in need see Jesus through you today! God is preparing you to display His glory so the world can see Him through the demonstration of your life. Today, I want to give you an opportunity to reveal the compassion and love God has been developing in you. With your action today, you can be the image of Jesus to a child in need!

School bells will soon be ringing again across the country. For many children, the new school year is an exciting time. But for some… it’s a time of embarrassment and shame. Many children unfortunately, will not have the ability to arrive on the first day of school ready and prepared to be all that they can be – many children won’t have a backpack or school supplies.


I’m asking for your help this year to give hope, dignity, and a reason to smile!

I want to give you an opportunity to reveal the compassion and love God has been developing in you. With your action today, you can be the image of Jesus to a child in need!

Students whose families are too poor to purchase school supplies or even a backpack dread returning to the classroom. I know from experience that the shame of poverty can prevent students from focusing on learning. Knowing the spirit of poverty from my own experience is why I am so passionate about this!

You can impact a needy child’s future through our annual event that reveals the love of Christ.

On Sunday, August 6th, we will be handing out backpacks filled with school supplies, shoes, socks, underwear, food, games, fun, and so much more at our Annual Back To School Bash Outreach at the City of Destiny!

In addition, for this year’s Paula White Ministries “Back To School Bash” we are providing all of the above for the underserved children at a local Trailer Park in Apopka, FL.



I have witnessed these incredible events completely transform families every year. I have seen solemn, withdrawn boys and girls transform into children full of giggles and smiles. Full of God’s love. Some of these children have never had their own supplies or shoes to be proud of… But you can change that- because you cared!

Through this life-changing outreach, you can be a living example of Jesus’ love and compassion to these children and their families. Please help me TODAY to show them that God cares about meeting their needs by supporting my “2023 Back To School Bash.”

Through this missions outreach, we provide needy children with shoes, backpacks loaded with school supplies, haircuts, physicals, and more.

Won’t you help me reach out to “the least of these” as Christ commanded in Matthew 25:40 by giving today?

For your generous Ministry Gift of $50 or more:

  • you can provide Backpacks filled with school supplies for children as well as shoes, socks and underwear!

For your generous Ministry Gift of $100 or more:

  • you can provide Backpacks filled with school supplies for multiple students, as well as shoes and socks, underwear and blessing baskets for teachers… and so much more!

Maybe you can give much more…

Maybe you can’t give that much… every bit helps! For your generous Ministry Gift of $25 or more:

  • your ministry gift can go towards helping us provide backpacks, school supplies as well as shoes and socks, underwear and more for children and help give the Hope, Dignity, and A REASON TO SMILE!

Please don’t just stand by on the sidelines and hope someone else will be there for them. These children need us to step up and make a difference!

I MUST hear from you TODAY to reach the multitude of children on August 6th!

YOU can Make a Difference NOW! Click the button below:

You can also give right now by:

  • Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and following the instructions.
  • Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to give an offering


Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

More posts by Paula White Ministries

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Pamela Boone says:

    I absolutely love what Paula White Ministries do! I have already sent my donation. God Bless This Ministry and Pastor Paula 🙏!

  • Jasmin says:

    Hi I would like to know how to sing up my kids for the back to school bash.

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