
I want to thank my Ministry Friends & Covenant Partners along with the 12 churches and 227 volunteers that helped us pack 129,600 meals to rush to the hungry and hurting in Haiti!

God is so great!


Without the hard work of so many, including the prayers and sacrificial ministry support of my Partners and supporters at Paula White Ministry and the City of Destiny, this wouldn’t be possible. I am so grateful!

We were able to coordinate with many churches, Advent Health, and No Child Hungry, and because YOU give and care so much! Because of the generous ministry support we are able to make a difference and transform lives, heal hearts, and win souls for Jesus Christ!

If you want to give a generous ministry gift to support Paula White Ministries CLICK HERE

You can also give right now by:

Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and following the instructions.

Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to give an offering

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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