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God has always desired   to tabernacle or dwell and fellowship with us. He said to Moses: “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them,” Exodus 25:8.

The word “tabernacle” here means “intertwined; to join together through weaving.” As He instructed us in great detail in Exodus about His Tabernacle, He has also created a specific pathway to His presence for us. It was His perfect plan plan with man from the beginning…

We are counting down the days until the trumpet blasts on Rosh Hashanah, announcing God’s High Holy Days: from Rosh Hashanah and the Feast of Trumpets through the Feast of Tabernacles, which includes as its centerpiece, The Day of Atonement- God’s Holiest Day of the entire year!

Rosh Hashanah begins the Jewish New Year of 5783 next month. The trumpet (shofar) blast will be heard in Israel and sound the beginning of the new year on God’s celestial calendar…

And right now, God wants us to focus on Him, on His presence greater than ever… and I believe God is ushering in a new expression of order in the earth and He is ready to do a NEW THING in YOUR LIFE!

“Behold, I will do a new thing… it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will make a way in the wilderness…” Isaiah 43:19.

As we are fast-approaching His holiest season- Atonement, I AM ARE PREPARING FOR HIS PRESENCE like never before and I encourage you to join me!

How do we prioritize God? How do we pursue His presence?… We get everything in order, we pray and consecrate! We fast, to kill our flesh and “hear Him” better, we study His Word and His desires, and we give a sacrificial gift, an offering to honor Him as His Word instructs in obedience!

This is how we get in alignment, but you must be prepared to allow God to minister through and in you. And WE REPENT!! We turn from doing it “our way” and we do it “God’s Way!” As God’s chosen, you must at times go through a process of purification in order to prepare you for encountering His Holy Presence. Purification is a prerequisite to entering boldly into the presence of the Lord.

These are times for introspection, soul-searching, self-evaluation, and self-sacrifice to God. It is a time of deep worship— It is extremely powerful!

As we are fast-approaching God’s Atonement Season, we will examine together how to “prepare ourselves” to experience God beyond the realms of tradition or religion… how to go deep in the heart of God and bring forth His greatest desire: For us to be in His presence.

We become “more like Jesus” by our pursuit of Him, our lifestyle, our voice, and our ministry, looking unto the Lord Jesus, seated with the Father within the veil! And it is our worship that gets us into the presence of The Lord…

There is a remnant of God’s people that are so hungry and thirsty for Him that they will begin immediately preparing for His presence and His holy season – they will NOT wait until the last minute like the masses. This is a sign of our worship, and He is watching for this.

In Jeremiah 29:13 God tells us: “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

When we follow this course and honor Him at this time, pursue Him, seek after His presence, I believe blessing will be released into your life! I declare by The Spirit of The Lord— obedience in this time will release heavenly floodgates… “so much blessing that there is not room enough to receive it all…”

God is having us “clear a path” in our lives – to make ready for His Presence! As God’s will is  being done in heaven— His plan was, and still is, for His will to be fulfilled in your heart and through your life!

Jesus came to earth for you to experience the fullness of God, and all the benefits that Heaven has to offer! The Holy Spirit desires to manifest the Presence of God, starting with you, and then His kingdom will be established in the earth! And we are pursuing His presence…

We are preparing to enter God’s Most Holy Season next month, and He is shifting things now!

I am believing that we are entering a time where we set the foundation for what God wants to do with us, beginning NOW in preparation for His Holy Season we are approaching. I am recommending to my loved ones, my family and covenant partners, all of my ministry friends that we stand together, united in Christ, in agreement, worship and consecration.

I am hoping “His Covenant Believers” that dwell with Him will unite and pray, fast, and give with me. I wrote to YOU specifically because I truly believe you are a part of the remnant that is hungry for God and His will!

As I mentioned, there is a Pathway to His Presence, that God has laid out in His Tabernacle; every piece of furniture prophetically symbolized in Christ Jesus and pointing the way to God’s presence in the Holy of Holies! He created that path for us

In Exodus 25, God told Moses: “Build me a sanctuary that I might dwell among you.” God’s Tabernacle reveals a Pathway to His Presence! Begin right now to worship Him with a sacrificial Offering AS HE INSTRUCTS IN HIS WORD!!!

For your Ministry Gift of $45 or more, that you lay at the altar of expectation, believing that this sacrificial gift is an offering in honor of who God is in our lives as we seek His face and His presence— I want to bless you with a very special book I wrote, “A Pathway To His Presence: How To Enter The Holy Of Holies.”

In addition, for this ministry offering, I want to get you my powerful, life-changing 6-Disc series (on 3-DVD’s/3-CD’s) called: “The Power of Fasting.” Fasting doesn’t move God, it moves us! It is the catalyst for spiritual power and revelation, for hearing… for breakthrough! I want you to get the tools so your life will never be the same.

This is absolutely crucial in this season we are in! Matthew 17:21, “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” You may have felt that there is a shift about to take place…

And for your Ministry Gift of $30 or more, I will rush to you the book, “A Pathway To His Presence: How To Enter The Holy Of Holies,” but with the full package you will get the keys to the fullness of all that is to come to you in this powerful season as we prepare for His presence.


I encourage you to prepare and make a place for His presence in your life that will break EVERY yoke and set you free– spiritually, emotionally, and financially to release His promises and provision.

Honor God on your Pathway to His Presence… Pursue Him with me this month… seek after The Lord, Pursue His presence. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I am so grateful for you in my life!

Together in unity— let us prepare for His presence and worship our Lord,


Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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