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The Apostle Paul said this about spiritual warfare, “put on the whole armor of God. For you fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We have a real enemy, but Jesus gave us the weapons to our warfare, and they are not carnal but their mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. You can have the keys to overcoming principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness coming against you! In Paula’s new 4-disc series, plus digital download, “Built for the Battle: understanding spiritual warfare” available for your ministry gift of $35 or more when you call toll free, write, text to give, or click the link here. It is crucial during this time that you understand how we overcome evil! In addition for your ministry gift of $100 or more, you will also receive Paula’s entire “Battle Pack” which also includes her 3-CD set “The Depths of Satan”, plus the 4-disc “Prayer Glory” with Paula ministering in prayer, and Jonathan Cain setting the atmosphere in music, along with her book, Prayer Confessions, covering 60 plus topics. Paula intercedes for you in your time of need. The Bible makes it clear the battle lines have been drawn… Get “built for the battle” today.

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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  • Benjamin Mungunyana. says:

    Powerful revelation! I hv always wanted to know & understand Ephesians 6 vs 10-14.
    Thank God for revelation; it has helped me to uncover, discover & be able to engage in battle with Understanding.

    I hv a question; All these Principalities, Powers & Rulers of this dark world; are they part of the fallen angels that were cast out of Heaven when War broke in Heaven as lucifer lost his place there?

    Secondly, those Spiritual hosts of Wickedness; do they exist among us in the form of Witches, Wizards & Ocultic leaders practicing Wickedness & running Witchcraft alters in a Community, Town, City & Province within a Nation?

    Looking forward to hearing from you, Stay blessed & continue being a Blessing!🙏🙏🙏

  • Dear pastor Paula White ,Greetings in Jesus Name. This is pastor Simhadri Moses Butchebabu/Facebook. I am a pastor from a village Church in AP State of India. By Grace of God we are able to
    write and connect with yours. We are in Gospel ministry which is among unsaved Hindus people communities in our communities and working souls win in Christ. We like to work together with yours for extension of God’s Kingdom in India. We need yours prayers to reach out many Hindus. Kindly reply to us in salutes pastor Simhadri Moses Butchebabu.

  • Dave Rukke says:

    Ehhesians 6 put on the full armor of God prepare for spiritual warfare the Schindler of faith extengiishesball thr fiery darts of the devil

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