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PWM & Teen Challenge Partner For Youth In Puerto Rico

Recently, Paula White Ministries partnered with Teen Challenge Puerto Rico to bring Youth basketball camps to Puerto Rico by sponsoring student from several local high school sports teams in Apopka and Ocoee. This PWM youth missions team brought basketball camps to the tough neighborhoods of La Perla in Old San Juan and Bayamon. After the camps the team went door to door passing out meals and praying over the hurting, afflicted and helpless.

The week of ministry ended on a high note with the PWM sponsored mission team mentoring and playing with orphans from the Buena Vista orphanage. After which, Teen Challenge and Paula White Ministries surprised these orphans and staff with a free trip to the San Juan Coliseum to watch a professional basketball game!

The PWM Puerto Rico Youth Mission yielded the following results:

• 82 salvations: 22 of our players accepted Christ on this trip and 60 players and parents accepted Christ from teams that we played.
• Hundreds of hundreds of meals delivered to homes in the toughest neighborhoods in Old San Juan and Bayamon.
• Hundreds of people prayed over for healing, hope and deliverance.
• Hosted on three basketball skill clinics.
• Played two exciting exhibition games.
• Sponored orphanage trip  to a  professional basketball game.
• Donated time and labor to paint a building at Teen Challenge.

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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