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Update from our Border

March 2, 2024

Paula White Ministries, the National Faith Advisory Board and CityServe International once again teamed up to bring pastors to the southern border. Pastors from across the country were boots on the ground at the border learning from the experts from the US Border Patrol. The Pastors Border Tour was held February 26-27 in El Paso, TX and is designed to help national ministry leaders learn fact from fiction from the border professionals.

Over the past three years 7.2 million people have crossed the border illegally and apprehended by border patrol. An additional estimated 1.8 million people got away from border patrol during the same time period.

An overwhelming amount of those arrested at the border are released by US Border Patrol to safe zones created back in 2019 by Pastor Paula and through Operation Border Blessing. Safe zones receive caught and released migrants from border patrol and give them hot meals, a place to shower and sleep and rides to the bus station. However, the greatest gift safe zones give is the Gospel of Jesus Christ where 95% of the migrants receive salvation.  One of those safe zones is El Elyon Church of God.

The host of national faith leaders visited El Elyon and witnessed first hand what God was doing through the church. Armed with sneakers, socks, gloves, toys and candy, the ministry leaders handed out loads of goodies to the children and their families. Bishop Kelvin Cobaris said, “I was deeply moved by our interaction with migrant families that come seeking an opportunity. The take away is people and policy. We have to support our border agents and families, while continuing to minister to migrant families.”

Back in 2019 Paula White Ministries provided El Elyon Church with a new stove to help with the massive cooking needs. Once again Pastor Paula came alongside El Elyon’s pastor Maribel Velasquez and provided the church with a state of the art stove to assist in the cooking of up to 100 meals a day. Pastor Maribel said the gift came just in time. “We are so grateful for Pastor Paula and for gifting us this much needed stove!” Additionally, Paula White Ministries teamed up with No Child Hungry to provide  El Elyon Church with 30,000 prepackaged meals and cleaning supplies.

Continue to pray for the crisis at the border. Pray for our border patrol agents and their families and continue to pray for the ministries on the border spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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