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The Unleashed Conference IS BACK!!

SAVE THE DATE NOW September 30th – October 3rd. Join us in Apopka, FL (just outside of beautiful Orlando, FL) for the Paula White Ministries 2021 Unleashed Conference!

We will have incredible Guest Speakers and Anointed Worshippers joining us again this year 😉 WE WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THEM VERY SOON!! I am so excited…

  • Event is FREE, but seating is limited– DO NOT PANIC! We will be offering “Preferred Seating Registration” that will guarantee you a saved seat, for a very small registration fee.
  • Childcare will be available– so bring the family and grab your friends too!
  • A full webpage will be up shortly with guest speakers and bios, registration options, directions, hotel information, and more!

Click here to watch:


City of Destiny is located at 505 E. McCormick Rd Apopka, FL

I can’t wait to see you there– it is going to be life-changing,


Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

More posts by Paula White Ministries

Join the discussion 11 Comments

  • Kathleen Loehrig says:

    Hi, I had two premium seats for it last year‘s conference which was postponed due to the pandemic. I received a call and was told that the ticket would transfer to the next scheduled unleashed conference. Do I need to reregister? Or what happened to the previous registration?

  • Sandra Barker says:

    I donated to you my paid funds from 2020 Conference…..could you PLEASE forward information to me to register for preferred seating, asap! Thank you so very much.
    Sandra Barker

    • Hank says:

      Hi Sandra, We will be emailing everyone this week who registered for last years conference and did not request a refund. It is recommended to not post your email publicly because of potential fraudulent activity.

  • Komuntale Elizabeth says:

    Hello . We are different parts of world (Africa) some way receive your message on day livestream or via e mail. Thank you may Almighty be with you always.

  • Patricia Calderon says:

    Hi, I’m coming in from Canada, I would like to registered for preferred sitting. Please let me know how to go about it
    It’s a sacrificial trip for me so it means a lot.

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