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It has been 38 days since Hamas terrorists waged war on Israel when they leveled a surprise attack on Israel’s citizens and villages located closest to the Gaza border. Over 3,000 heavily armed Palestinian terrorist broke through security barriers and reeked terror on unsuspecting, sleeping, defenseless non-military Jewish people. Since the barbaric attacks, Paula White Ministries has been boots on the ground in Israel, offering aid, resources and support to the villages and survivors devastated by the terrorist.

In a span lasting 12 hours over 1,400 people were mercilessly killed in the attacks, with an estimated 80% being tortured before they were put to death. Paula White Ministries spent time with the residents of two villages, Ein HaBesor and Nir Oz, listening to stories of unimaginable horror.

PWM Global Outreach Pastor Todd Lamphere has been in Israel representing Pastor Paula and PWM partners. “Having walked through almost every home in NirOz, I can’t begin to imagine the fear and pain these precious people went through,” Lamphere said. “Every home and every building was burned or riddled with bullet holes. The carnage is beyond words.”

Nir Oz is a quiet Kibbutz in Southern Israel that rests up next to the Gaza border. The small village was formed in 1957 and had approximately 100 families with 400 residents.  At 6:30 AM on Saturday, October 7, all the residents lives were changed forever when 130 terrorist broke into the kibbutz and tortured, killed or kidnapped over 100 of the residents of Nahal Oz. During an 8 hour period, Hamas raped women, killed babies, tortured the elderly, kidnapped entire families, set houses afire and killed those seeking refuge.

Pastor Paula and Paula White Ministries stands firmly with the people of Israel and condemns the horrific acts of evil leveled against God’s chosen people.

“Now is the time for the world to stand in solidarity with Israel,” said Pastor Paula. “It is important for the truth to come out concerning the attacks on October 7th.”

Paula White Ministries, in partnership with National Faith Advisory Board, CityServe and Intercessors for America have committed to meeting the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of Ein HaBesor and Nir Oz. Please join us in this effort by clicking the link below and giving to our Israel initiative.

Please continue to help us support the people of Israel… You can give to Paula White Ministries to help Israel during this critical time!

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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  • Anna M Steiert says:

    Good Morning and Shalom!! Yes I will be in continual Prayer for Israel and All involved in this Ministry in Israel.
    For Comfort, Guidance, God Confidentiality. I watched your service yesterday and I was Praising Our Lord, and listening. Thank you for keeping others in Prayer as well as Myself. I understood what I heard, You say, when you said, that you had some Personal people to Pray for. It was something to that affect. I enjoyed Y’alls Service Much!! Thank you, for All that You do, Pastor Paula.

  • Shonnieta T Burley says:

    🙏 🤲 🕍 🕌 ⛪️ 🛕 🙏 🤲

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