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June 30, 2023 From America First Policy Institute

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) released the following statement from Paula White-Cain, Chair of the Center for American Values at AFPI, after the Supreme Court released its decision in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. This ruling sets a strong precedent regarding freedom of speech in religious expressions by ruling that digital artist and website designer Lorie Smith could not be compelled to create a website that conflicts with her Christian faith.

“This is an enormous victory for the freedom of speech and religious liberties, which should never be up for debate. The First Amendment is perhaps the most profound amendment in the United States Constitution. It guarantees the freedom of every American citizen and protects them from government coercion. Today, freedom-loving Americans everywhere can rejoice because the highest court in the land put a stop to state-enforced speech, upholding a fundamental freedom of the American people to hold true to their personal religious convictions.”

Read the article on here

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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Join the discussion 11 Comments

  • Doris W. Greene says:

    Amen:Jesus always had the victory.And there’re is justice,and liberty in the Lord.Praise God , Hallelujah

  • Julius Thomas says:

    God Bless

  • Patti says:

    So very proud of the way our Lord is using you Apostle..
    Will not history remember your contribution to the Kingdom as a uncompromising voice crying out “Prepare the way of the Lord”?

  • Larry Chadwick says:

    Rite on

  • Otterbein Mustapha says:

    Hallelujah glory to God for the freedom Speech for Christians let the name of the LORD be glorified in All the earth long Pastor Paula,

    I pray that you continue to leave longer so I can testify the LORD love, mercy,kindness, and faithfulness through you in Jesus most powerful name amen.

  • Christal Arroyo Roman says:

    I am interested in the America First Policy Institute could I also have information on the Center for American Values?
    Will there be any upcoming training? How do I get involved?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Crystal Griffith says:

    Awesome!!! Pastor Paula, I can’t say this for sure, but I truly believe that The Lord wants you to stay on the advisory board for Donald Trump. First and foremost, pray about it. Then, act based on the answer you get. Also, consider inviting Amanda Grace with Ark of Grace Ministries onto his advisory board. Just an idea.

  • Anastasia says:

    Thank you Paula for serving us

  • LuAnne says:

    Thank you Pastor Paula for all that you & your husband Jonathan are doing for our kids & families here, and in the world!
    I love to partner with your ministry 😃
    May the Lord “ turn the hearts of the fathers to the children…” in our nation!
    God bless you and all your efforts to help this country find its way back- to Jesus!

  • I wish the church of God in your care physically. Please I need an invitation. I based in Nigeria West Africa. I love Paula White she is a great Woman of God.

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