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The message, assignment & purpose of Jesus was not to establish a religion, ritual, or a bunch of rules, but it was to establish The Kingdom of God.

You might say, “Well, what is that? What is the kingdom of God, Paula?” I want you to get ready because we’re going to study today and learn how your life is going to be so successful, how you are going to walk out the will of God, because you will understand what “kingdom” is all about.

Click here to watch the Paula Today Program: The Kingdom of God on the Life Network For Women:

I want to encourage you right now get your Bibles, get your journals, get your notebooks, whatever it is you need to study because today we are going to dive deep into the Word of God and get you to a place where you really understand the Kingdom of God.

I want you to watch this Paula Today program I recorded with my husband Jon, because without that understanding, then you don’t know the main message that Jesus brought and you might have a misunderstanding. This message of Kingdomis going to give you principles to help you understand how to succeed in your family, your finances, your faith, your business, your purpose, in every area of life!

Jesus taught us to pray: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” The kingdom is God’s priority and must become ours. The Disciples realized that prayer was the key to the success of everything Jesus did.

The Kingdom of God has been mentioned more than 80 times in your Bible. God’s original intention is transformational- to conform His character in you, to act like Him, think like Him, to advance His Kingdom here on Earth. Jesus’ top priority was the return of the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.

I want you to know this is so vitally important that you get this in your spirit right now— the main mission of Jesus was to come save us, to redeem us back to God. So to redeem means to purchase back. Why? Because man had sinned, we had fallen away, we were alienated. God cannot look on sin. So Jesus Christ gave His life. And for those who receive Him as Lord and Savior, then we are received.

Because of the finished work on the cross, we’re what’s called “saved.” That word saved doesn’t simply mean “I spend eternity in heaven,” that’s part of it. Yes it does mean that there will not be eternal separation, but it also comes from a root word of “sozo,” which means to be made whole.

It means to be healed, to be restored, to be rescued. So it’s a complete word. That was a mission of Jesus. But His main message was the Kingdom of God was at hand. It was within grasp… repent! Well what does repent mean? It means, “I change my mind, I change my direction.”

Now why was He teaching this? Because the disciples who walked with God didn’t fully understand Him. So here He (Jesus) has handpicked 12 people that are going to be His proteges and He’s teaching them lessons that He’s not establishing a religion. This was not a new denomination. This is not a new Hebraic class. He is saying, “I’m not a rabbi.” Though they called Him Rabbi, He is the Messiah.

He was saying, “I’m teaching you the Kingdom.”

Even after three and a half years of seeing the miracles, hearing the teachings, following Jesus, they still didn’t really get it until He ascended to heaven… until His death and resurrection. And I want you to get it because without understanding the Kingdom, which comes from a Greek word, basilea, which means, “the royalty the rule, and the realm,” there’s no way to really be successful and walk it out as a Christian. You can be saved, but there’s no way to fulfill all the purpose of God, the original intention of God.

The disciples thought, “Okay, this is really great. We’ve just left everything.” They thought He would set up an earthly kingdom, they thought He would overthrow the Roman government. They were expecting something much different than the outcome. And yet they were the ones who formed the church. They just went forth with that same idea that God would reign, and they would form Jesus’s church. That was His message to them. They figured it out.

Under the Mosaic Law, it was about rules and rituals. Now Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law, to do away with it, but He came to fulfill it, He came to ‘cram it full.’ And so they thought, “we’ve been under this harsh rule of this king Caesar,” the Roman Empire, which was basically conquering everything at the time… So they thought, “us poor Jews who’ve had this difficult time, and we’re God’s people, now we are finally going to reign in life…”

God’s ways are not man’s ways.

After all the miracles, after all the great things they saw Jesus do, the Disciples didn’t say, teach us how to build a big church, teach us how to do the miracles. They said, teach us how to pray. Why? Because they realize that prayer was the key to the success of everything Jesus did.

This is fundamentally important. In Matthew 6:10, Jesus turns around and says, This is how I want you to pray, “hallowed be thy name.” The very first thing you do is give God honor, praise Him… hallowed. It’s an King James version of saying, You’re holy, you’re worthy, I honor you, God, hallowed would be thy name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, in the earth, as it is in heaven…

There is so much more you need to hear… I will post Pt 2 & 3 of “The Kingdom of God”

For your ministry Gift of $120 or more today, you will receive Paula’s brand-new anointed 5 disc set “The Kingdom of God,” with digital download to help you greatly understand the Kingdom of God, along with The Care and Counsel Bible, written by some of Christianity’s leading voices on mental health and relationships. This awesome Bible breaks down topics from anxiety, to healing, and much more… all from a Kingdom perspective.

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For your ministry Gift of $35 or more today, you will receive Paula’s brand-new anointed 5 disc set “The Kingdom of God” with digital download to help you greatly understand the Kingdom of God!

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  • Send a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions.
  • Or call 1-800-PAULA-17 to sow an offering
Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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