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America was founded on faith in God and His word, but we’re drifting from those foundations. Yet God declares that if his people will humble themselves and pray, He will forgive our sin and heal our land. Paula White-Cain explores the need for intercessory prayer in this pivotal time, in her newly updated 4-disc series, Calling the Nation to Prayer. Everything that we do in our personal life, in a nation, in a city, and a family, and a ministry, has to be bathed with prayer. Prayer is the very backbone… Calling the Nation to Prayer is available along with a copy of her Prayer for America. For your ministry gift of $100 or more, you will also receive a copy of her beautiful covenant living Holy Bible, a beautiful leather bound edition personally signed including 57 articles and study lessons written by Paula, covering Bible characters from Abraham and David, to the Apostle Peter, topics ranging from adversity to waiting upon the Lord all in one place from a lifetime of Paula’s personal study. King James Version, Red Letter edition, concordance, and much more. You will also receive the Paula USB Flash Drive with 16 powerful video teachings! America stands at the crossroads with a great need to rediscover the passion of prayer and the Word of God. request your resources today!


Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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