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Have you ever had one of those moments where you think, “does anyone really care?”

Maybe you felt like, well I’m always going out of my way to make sure this person is alright, or this person needed this, friends, co-workers, spouse, kids, family… but when was the last time someone came to me and said, “how are you doing?” or “I love you,” or “what can I do for you?”

Click here to watch this encouraging video “God Is Thinking About You”:

It is said that we have about 60,000 thoughts a day… and that most of them are repetitive, most of them are just continual thoughts.

I’ll tell you whose thoughts cannot be numbered for you. You ready?


When the enemy comes in and whispers in your ear to create doubt in your mind, saying, “nobody cares. It’s not worth it. You’re alone, you’re isolated. What are you doing this for? Why should you love like that? Why should you give like that? Why should you do that?” The reason why is because someone, and not just anyone, but that One– OUR GOD is thinking about you.

So why are we to give? our love, our time, our compassion, our life? Because God has given to us constantly. And He will keep giving to you, because HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH.

Have you ever wondered, “is anyone even listening to me?” THE ANSWER IS: Yes, God’s listening to you!

He hears your cry. He knows the cry of your heart. He knows your tears that cannot be articulated. He knows the groanings, He knows when you toss and turn at night with everything that’s going on. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, and He set my feet upon a rock and He established my goings… and He will do the same for you!

I don’t care how bad the pit is. If it’s a financial pit, or a relational pit, if it’s a health pit, if it’s a fear pit, if it’s a doubt pit, if it’s a discouragement pit, if it’s a bondage pit addiction pit, whatever it is… God WILL bring you up out of it. And He will set your feet on a solid rock that’s in Him. He can take your mess and turn it all around.

I just wanted to leave you with a word of encouragement. Know that God is thinking about you so much so that He laid this word on my heart, to relay it over to you- that He loves you! He’s thinking about you and you will always be on His mind.

God loves you SO MUCH! and He cares about you 🙂



Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

More posts by Paula White Ministries

Join the discussion 21 Comments

  • Suzanne Mayfield says:

    Thank you for this timely reminder ! Love, your covenant partner…p.s. happy birthday beloved Pastor Paula

  • Ines Marcum says:

    Thank You for work of knowledge.. I was feeling really low and depressed Keep Praying for me and my daughter and grandson and me I was feeling so alone plz bring Godly people into our families lives and homes .. thank You Father in Jesus Name Amen 🙏✝️

  • Beatriz Rivera says:

    Thank you.. I needed this word. Going through a very difficult time..i have never felt such sorrow like this. I’m losing my elderly mother..i was her caregiver for nearly 20 yrs she was my friend..we did everything together & I did everything for her. So yes this word was for me! Thank You.

  • How can I make a person understand that I am a believer? This person has cut off our friendship because of this .he thinks I am not a believer. Can you help because this has hurt me very much. Blessings.
    Olga valenzuela

  • Bill Tindell says:

    Thank you for all the encouraging post

  • Gina Browers says:

    Thank you Paula. I really needed to hear these encouraging words.

  • Hi woman of God,
    good morning. I am always touch by your powerful Words of God.

    However, l am a Liberian, Journslist and a devoted Christian.
    When I was a refugee in Ghana, you once preached on the theme: “He prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemy.”
    I do l get access to that video?
    I’m Ojuku Silver-tongue Kangar Jr

  • Denise Schwartz says:

    I receive it in Jesus name

  • Pier Undewood King says:

    Thank you

  • Pier Undewood King says:

    God Bless you

  • Nary says:

    Amen I believe and trust him.
    He’s so care about me every moments.
    Thanks you Lord for your unconditional love to me!

  • Benjamin Mutunga says:

    Praise God. Very encouraging. I Love God with all My heart and soul. Am always believing in Him. I surrender all to God. God bless you Paula always. Amen.

  • Barnabas Charity says:

    Athank you ma’am. may God continue to bless you abundantly. Amen

  • Yes praise God. I too am thinking of God, repenting of any wrong knowing and unknowingly sins. And even how to turn everything over to God, need directions and asking him more for every direction. I don’t know how to direct my life, I had a mess of my life. I’m Sorry father, I repent. Sorry for times I did not speak up for you. Asking for forgiveness.learning you have both conditional will, starting a 28 day prayer journey. I have had problems finishing things, but grace me father to do this in Jesus Name I pray. And unconditional will, your plan. I want to be your maid servant father. Trust you no matter what. And I love you thank you for Jesus. Frances jane Fontleroy I bless your Holy Name

  • Lee Goliath says:

    Thank you for the Word from God. It is a Word I needed.

  • Augustine Utande Agiounim says:

    Woman of God please always pray for me and my loved ones. Abraham Utande, Joseph Utande,Mary Utande and their wives and chicken.
    I pray for financial breakthrough/freedom, Marital breakthrough, academic excellent, divine connections, and a life partner from God Total deliverance from satanic and demonic foundation, covenant, causes,yoke of death, sickness, accident, poverty, failures, misfortune, disappoinment, sorrow, mourning, setback, backwardness, demotion, etc
    Most importantly, spiritual growth
    In Jesus name Amen

  • Wonderful!!!

    Thank you so much for your wonderful message.
    God bless you every day, God bless your wonderful
    work every day!!!

  • Oloruntoba Adeola Rotimi says:

    I am definitely convinced that God has me on his mind constantly and he will never let me down. That feeling of loneliness can be so painful,especially when your partner is so invisible when you need a helping hand or someone to share your thoughts with. As much as I feel let down and alone,I know God won’t fail me,I just want a change of story from disappointments to re assuring victory,and a secured future. Thoughts of migrating to either UK or US on my mind. God order my thinking and actions in Jesus mighty name Amen.
    Thanks Paula for being there always.
    Yours truly
    Oloruntoba Adeola Rotimi.

  • Francisca says:

    Greetings in the name of Jesus.
    Am an ardent follower of your ministry. I do come across your post which talks about restoration of everything one lost. I used to be confused. I lost my husband of 12 years last year and we had 3 kids. As it stands now I don’t want to remarry cos of my kids. But I still feel within me that I need a male companion. Now I have a man that likes to be intimate with me. He is married though. My confusion is that am committing sin if I should expose my body to him or have sex with him.
    So I have doubts within me that God wants to restore my life . I feel that part of my life is gone forever unless I remarry which am not ready.
    Paula please help me understand howGod wants me to live my life as a widow. Clear my confusion please.

  • Emmanuel Nwachukwu says:

    I want to know the mind of God towards me and my family and I also need the grace of God to stand firm in faith and Gods blessings in my life.

  • Rodney says:

    I know we are All moving closer together. God IS gathering the Bride.i have faced some unusual trials. Have asked Pastors, they had never been used in such a way. There where 3 Pastor’s involved in the same ministry group. I was tasked to try and keep them working together. It was like hearding Cats. I went for 3 months then had to stop. Have You ever had to bring Pastors together?

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