There’s nothing left to be done… except receive…
I have so enjoyed diving deeper into the principles behind the biblical feasts with you! I am passionate about getting to know our Lord better and helping others do so, and I hope and pray that you’ve been able to draw closer to God by seeing His character demonstrated through these feasts.
Some detractors may argue that the promises God gave His people in these feasts were for them then, not us now. But I believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever and that He changes not. And because we serve a God in whom there is no shadow of turning, I feel that we can apply the principles behind these promises to our lives today!
Throughout history, God has made appointments to bless His people. These special days weren’t for His benefit; they were for ours. They were opportunities to remember Him, focus on Him, and draw near to Him. And while we don’t celebrate them the same way the Children of Israel did, I can’t imagine a better way of loving on my Lord and Savior than by stopping and taking the time to remember, focus, and draw near to Him!
God has divine appointments He wants to set with you, dear reader. He wants to make days and times special, and He yearns to show you His blessings just as He desired to bless the Children of Israel. But He has given us a choice. We can choose to obey Him, to learn from the eternal principles He established in His Word, and to let these things impact our hearts…
…Or we can let our hearts be hard and miss precious opportunities to meet with Him.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss even a single opportunity to draw near to the One who loved me and called me out of the darkness and into the light!
You’ve now seen some of the ways God blessed His people through the feasts He instituted, and now it is your job to let this knowledge become understanding and let understanding birth movement. It’s your job to let Him position you and prepare your heart by being soft, moldable, and willing to follow the principles He’s outlined in His Word.
Your obedience is your key—it will open the path to untold blessings from the Lord. He is not waiting up in Heaven to create blessings; He’s already done so, and you must only appropriate them!
Jesus fulfilled every single prophecy and expectation that God laid out in the Old Testament, and He was the ultimate fulfillment and sacrifice in every possible way. He has done it all on the cross, and He has grafted us into the same promises and blessings that God established for His people, the Jews. We are now Abraham’s spiritual descendants, and we are now co-heirs with Christ Jesus of eternal blessings.
He paid for it all. It is finished. There’s nothing left to be done…
…except receive.
So will you? Will you draw near and let God’s love change you, bless you, and empower you? I certainly hope so!
There is a great harvest of souls the Lord wants to equip us to bring in, and every principle, blessing, and gift He has to offer are for one purpose and one purpose alone—to make His name great on the earth so that none should perish but all find eternal life. Now, accept His empowerment and get out there to do the good work He has destined you to do!
-Paula White-Cain