Welcome to 2023 Covenant Partnership
Transform Lives | Heal Hearts | Win Souls – Let’s Partner Together!
If you would like to “GIVE by TEXT” simply Text “PWM” to 45777 and select “PARTNERSHIP”. Follow the instructions sent to your phone and you can select “Make this payment recurring.”
For your Recurring Partnership Support of $25/month: you can sign up to become a “Covenant Partner” today. You will receive a monthly Partner magazine, a monthly message to your email, my Brand-New Partner Journal Devotional, Photos mailed quarterly, plus discounts on PWM Events & Conferences!
For your Recurring Partnership Support of $50/month: you can sign up to become a “Life-Transformer Partner” today. You will receive a monthly Partner magazine, a monthly message to your email, my Brand-New Partner Journal Devotional, Photos mailed quarterly, as well as the Brand-New Partner T-Shirt, plus discounts on PWM Events & Conferences!
Sign Up as Life-Transformer PartnerSign Up as Life-Transformer Partner

**Due to supply chain issues, please allow 3-5 weeks for your products to arrive.
I want to read to you a powerful testimony from a husband and wife that Partner with Paula White Ministries:
“We’re partnering with Paula White Ministries because of the meaning that it’s given to our life. We’ve gone through so much over the last few years, but what she’s given, through her words and ministry have impacted our life immensely, and I’m partnering with her to give back. She does so much for the community and for the world…”
I don’t believe in coincidences. I know that God has connected us for a great purpose! That is the intention, the determination, the decree of God. And He has sent you on assignment with a great purpose. I am here to help you get there!
Paula White Ministries exists to make a difference in the lives of millions of people for the purpose of God’s Kingdom and transforming lives through the spiritual truths of Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel.
No matter what you’re currently facing or walking through, I want you to know that our God is able… and not only is He able, but He is willing. Remember, Jesus said in John 10:10:
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
It is my mission in the earth to see the Word of God, His transforming power, the Gospel of Jesus Christ go to the nations. My life has been a testimony of overcoming through faith in God, understanding His Word, and being obedient to His principles. I truly believe that we are assigned to be connected. Because it’s about what God is going to do in your life, both in you and through you… It’s about where God wants to take you. And God always sends a person….
Relationship is the “currency” of the Kingdom. You may hear me say things like, “when God wants to bless you, He sends a person… when the enemy wants to hurt you, he sends a person…”
Our testimony of our personal experience in coming to know the love of Jesus Christ is a powerful tool in the transformation of lives. Being able, through relationship, to be used by God to bring hope to the hurting, transform those that are not walking in their God-given purpose, and those that need Jesus— healing hearts and winning souls, is our ultimate purpose for God’s people. Let’s activate our Covenant Connection…
The most effective way for doing ministry is partnering together. Partnership is connection! Paula White Ministries being the hands and feet spreading the love of God around the world, feeding and clothing those in need, sharing the Gospel of Jesus, and making a difference to take back our country for God. And then the essential part: YOU, by supporting the ministry. Without your covenant partnership support we would not be able to make that impact.
Over the last few years Paula White Ministries and The City of Destiny have distributed millions of pounds of food. We have also distributed millions of dollars worth of NEW Household items and furniture to families in need, working in partnership with World Vision and CityServe.
In addition, we urgently rushed millions of meals to other areas in distress and war like Ukraine, Romania, and more— plus emergency meals by plane and then helicopter to the earthquake victims in Haiti and around the world for other disasters. We also have our ongoing outreaches into prisons, women’s and homeless shelters, and more. I will be updating you more on these…
I say a great big THANK YOU to our partners for making a difference!

I am inviting you to be my Covenant Connection Partner for 2023! I need you- without supporters and partners none of this happens. Because of partners, literally millions of people know Jesus, but there are even more to go after. Let’s go after them!
Matthew 9:36-38, “When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few…”
Your commitment to partner with me, and your generous monthly ministry gift as The Holy Spirit leads you, is a covenant decision. God is a God of Covenant and Principles. Scroll above or below to read through all the information on the various levels and ‘thank you gifts’ you will receive as my Covenant Connection Partner in 2023.
Simply pray about it and click the link when you decide what kind of Partnership level you feel led of the Holy Spirit to do. But I believe you are sent on assignment!
For everyone that signs up as my “Covenant”, “Life-Transformer” or “Armor-Bearer” Partner for 2023, in addition to the Monthly Partner Magazine I send out monthly, I am also sending a very special Brand-New Partner Exclusive Devotional Journal I made, with room to journal daily as well as many articles on relevant topics for your growth and nurturing as a Christian! As well as some really wonderful gifts from me to you…
I really look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. And please send me a praise report- or even write out your testimony on a piece of paper, I want to hear “your story,” I love reading about the goodness of God! Or if you need prayer, send me a prayer request, I’ll pray over it immediately and have my intercessors pray for you daily!
We’re in this together in Covenant Connection Partnership, for the glory of God!

No matter what God is instructing you to do – let’s connect! There are some really fantastic resources and gifts I have put together to bless you with, just because I want to give back to you. Every resource means something in some way… and always remember I pray over every partner, every person, every gift of love and support, every prayer request, every family.
Thank you
praise you my prophet Paster Paula white i swear by heaven and earth will not come out of your teachings, accept me to be your follower until
Thank You