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Transform Lives  |  Heal Hearts  |  Win Souls

I believe that we have a mission together to accomplish for God’s Kingdom. We Are Better Together!

1 Corinthians 1:18 says, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” It is Covenant Connection Partnership that makes this happen.

There are two major things God revealed to me early on… 1. He showed me that everywhere I preached the Gospel, people under the sound of my voice would be saved and delivered, and those that didn’t would be in darkness.  2. A prophetic word was delivered to me years ago, “everything around you will crumble and fall… but you will arise stronger than before.”  Both of these points are really important for both you and I, because it is my mission in the earth to see the Word of God, His transforming power, the Gospel of Jesus Christ go to the nations. And my life has been a testimony of overcoming trials, abuse, hurt, pain, you name it- through faith in God, understanding His Word, and being obedient to His principles.

I have been through many events, but everything has worked out for God’s glory. I believe you have your own story, and I would love to hear it sometime!

Life can be tough. We are not meant to face it alone, and I want you to know that no matter what- you can overcome and thrive. I am here to help you do that! This is our Covenant Connection…

Partnership in ministry is a catchy name for us “in covenant, working together.” PARTNERSHIP IS CONNECTION! Paula White Ministries being the hands and feet spreading the love of God around the world, feeding and clothing those in need, sharing the Gospel of Jesus, and making a difference and uniting people to take back our country for God. And then the essential part: YOU, by supporting the ministry. Without your covenant partnership support we would not be able to make that impact. Each requires the other… Covenant Connection Partnership.

Are you ready to become a Paula White Ministries Covenant Connection Partner?


For your Recurring Partnership Support of $25/month: you can sign up to become a “Covenant Partner” today. You will receive a monthly letter from me, a monthly special CD message, and the monthly Partner magazine – PLUS my brand-new 365 Day Devotional called: “A New Day Dawning.”

*Covenant Partner also receive BONUS Exclusive Partner Access to upcoming 2022 online Courses, Quarterly Partner-Only Webinars, and Partner Access at ALL PWM Conferences and Events!


For your Recurring Partnership Support of $50/month: you can sign up to become a “Life-Transformer Partner” today. You will receive the monthly letter from me, a monthly special CD message, and the monthly Partner magazine – PLUS my brand-new 365 Day Devotional called: “A New Day Dawning,” the Paula White Ministries Notepad, and the “Better Together” 6-Disc Series on CD or DVD (plus Digital Download).

*Life-Transformer Partners also receive BONUS Exclusive Partner Access to upcoming 2022 online Courses, Quarterly Partner-Only Webinars, and Partner Access at ALL PWM Conferences and Events!


For your Recurring Partnership Support of $100/month or your One-Time Partnership gift of $1,000 you can sign up to become an “Armor-Bearer Partner” today. You will receive the monthly letter from me, a monthly special CD message, and the monthly Partner magazine – PLUS my brand-new 365 Day Devotional called: “A New Day Dawning,” the Paula White Ministries Notepad, the “Better Together” 6-Disc Series on CD or DVD (plus Digital Download), and the Personalized Crystal Partner Paperweight. *One-Time Armor-Bearer $1,000 Gifts also receive the personalized “Compassionate Heart” Jade Glass with crystal base!

*Armor-Bearer Partners also receive BONUS Exclusive Partner Access to upcoming 2022 online Courses, Quarterly Partner-Only Webinars, and Partner Access at ALL PWM Conferences and Events!


**Due to supply chain issues, please allow 3-5 weeks for your products to arrive.

If you would like to “GIVE by TEXT” simply Text “PWM” to 45777 and select “PARTNERSHIP”. Follow the instructions sent to your phone and you can select “Make this payment recurring.”


I want to transform lives, heal hearts, and win souls for the kingdom of God. And I want you there with me!

Paula White Ministries and The City of Destiny has distributed over 17 million pounds of food, over 14 million meals, so far this year to date. We have also distributed over $2,210,00 worth of NEW Household items and furniture to families in need, working in partnership with World Vision and CityServe. Plus, we urgently rushed 129,000 emergency meals by plane and then helicopter to the earthquake victims in Pestel Haiti. We also have our ongoing outreaches into prisons, women’s and homeless shelters…and I say a great big THANK YOU to our partners for making a difference!

I love reading the praise reports of my Covenant Partners, like this one:

“I became a Paula White Ministries Partner back in 2017, I really felt the Lord lead me to partner in the ministry. and it has been such a blessing to my life ever since. This has completely changed the trajectory of my life and how I view where I am going! I really love the vision of Pastor Paula and being a partner, the Kingdom work that is completely transforming nations and shaking them for the glory of God. And being a partner, you get many benefits, I get amazing material and resources that continue to help me grow and nurture my soul and my spirit, my mind and my body! so thank you Pastor Paula. I love you!”    Daniela

I really look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. And please send me a praise report- or even write out your testimony on a piece of paper, I want to hear “your story,” I love reading about the goodness of God! Or if you need prayer, send me a prayer request, I’ll pray over it immediately and have my intercessors pray for you daily!

We’re in this together in Covenant Connection Partnership, for the glory of God!

No matter what God is instructing you to do – let’s connect! There are some really fantastic resources and gifts I have put together to bless you with, just because I want to give back to you. Every resource means something in some way… and always remember I pray over every partner, every person, every gift of love and support, every prayer request, every family.


If you would like to “GIVE by TEXT” simply Text “PWM” to 45777 and select “PARTNERSHIP”. Follow the instructions sent to your phone and you can select “Make this payment recurring.”

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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