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Paula White Ministries stays on the ground in North Carolina assisting in devastated regions during long-term recovery process in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence…

Finding strategic partners in devastated regions is critical for any long-term recovery process. Immediately after Hurricane Florence, Pastor Paula White was contacted by longtime ministry supporter and friend, Pastor Ron Barnes of Greater Hope International Church in Lumberton, NC. Partnering with Kids Against Hunger and Convoy of Hope, Paula White Ministries was able to secure over 600,000 prepackaged meals to the economically disadvantaged Lumberton area.

Pastor Barnes took the blessings he had received and then partnered with 15 different churches and organizations to distribute the donated resources. Hurricane Florence displaced thousands from their homes and many ended up in local shelters. Many people lost everything they had for the second time in just two years since Hurricane Matthew. “The gracious donations have allowed us to provide thousands of meals to those who did not know where their next meal would come from,” Pastor Barnes said.

The faithful giving of Paula White Ministry partners continues to meet the needs of the hurting and to bring hope, healing, and salvation to those who desperately need it.

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