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Paul White Ministry provides vital recovery assistance at “Ground Zero” of destruction in aftermath of hurricane Michael…

The destruction of Hurricane Michael is catastrophic as whole communities from Panama City to Marianna and beyond were severally affected. Homes were ripped apart, trees uprooted, schools demolished, churches destroyed, and complete sections of beachfront property leveled. As power crews work around the clock to restore power, tens of thousands of residents of the Pan Handle are without electricity and water.

Paula White Ministries responded quickly and reached ground zero where the 155 miles per hour winds of Hurricane Michael hit landfall at Mexico Beach on October 10th. Pastor Paula immediately dispatched PWM Global Ministries Pastor Todd Lamphere to assess the damage, to assist churches with resources and to set up a distribution channel for survivors. Working with Florida’s emergency center, the Salvation Army, Kids Against Hunger and Convoy of Hope, Paula White Ministries has connected churches in the hurricane zone with food, water, and much-needed tarps to distribute to their community. PWM secured 550,000 prepackaged meals that are headed to the gulf coast of Florida.

The recovery process will take a long time and as the rest of the country goes about its business, we cannot forget the people of the Pan Handle. As the body of Christ, we must come alongside our churches and Pastors as they meet the needs of their destroyed churches and homes while responding to the cries of the community.

There are three ways you can help the hurting from the hurricane; First, pray for the people and the churches as they attempt to get back on their feet. Second, Give generously to our special offering to assist churches and families in need. Third, consider heading to the Pan Handle of Florida and assist in the recovery process.

Paula White Ministries, helping the churched help those in need in times of crisis!

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Paula White Ministries

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