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“Hello, Friends of Paula White Ministries, I want to come to you during this urgent time and call you to prayer and call you to stand, as we stand with Israel.”

Click here to watch Paula addressing the war in Israel

“As we all woke up Saturday morning, and heard the unprecedented words by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that Israel was at war… I know my heart was grieved, and immediately, I began to seek God. I began to call on the many, many relationships that I’ve had over the decades with Israel, to get information, intel and make sure that we can do all that we are doing to stand with Israel in this unprecedented time.

During our lifetime, if you’re my age or so, Israel has not been to war, in decades and decades and decades. And yet, on that Saturday morning, Hamas came across the southern border, at the Gaza Strip, they tore down the wall, the fences and the barriers, and they begin to invade.

This is a very well-coordinated attack. They took the pickup trucks loaded down with a ton of ammunition, first going to the police station, killing and injuring many of the police. And then moving all throughout the settlement there.

Many were kidnapped… over 200 kidnappings, moms with daughters, elderly in wheelchairs. They went into a party and begin to take young boys, young girls, teenagers that were just having a Saturday night out.

This is not over yet. This war has not ended yet. It is well-coordinated, and I’m sure there are texts planned for the North and also on Jerusalem.

There are many people that hate to stand with Israel. It is an antichrist spirit. But we as Christians and believers know this, that we’re not only to stand with Israel, because we stand with God and Israel is God’s place. The Jewish people are God’s people. And we know that is their sovereign land. We stand with them in every single way and I want you to immediately begin to pray. I also want you to consider supporting Israel. There are several organizations we’re working with, that we will make sure that every single dime donated will go to them.

There are other great organizations doing wonderful things for Israel. But I highly encourage you, whether it’s Paula White Ministries, the people that we’re standing with, or another organization, make sure that you pray, that you put your resources and whatever else God tells you to do.

We will make sure that we are on the right side of God and the right side of history. May God bless you and may God bless Israel.”

-Paula White-Cain


There are 2 ways you can give to help Israel right now with much-needed financial support. You can give to Paula White Ministries or you can give to Israel 365 Charity, all to help Israel during this critical time!


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Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Donna says:

    Pastor Paula, I am so grateful to you for taking this brave stand in support of our older brothers in the faith Israel. We want to do all we can to support them and to align ourselves with God‘s plan and God‘s purposes for Israel and the United States, and for his kingdom to advance throughout the Earth Prayers going up. See you soon at unleashed.

  • Patti Bowen says:

    Yes I will stand with Christians supporting Israel. Our church host leaders from Israel yearly for the night with Israel event. I love God’s people and I with be standing with you Apostle in prayer immediately.

    Love you,


  • Carolina Moscoso says:

    Israel is the people that stands with God. Israel is a name used 2,431 times in the Bible. The primary thread throughout the Bible is the redemption of humanity, and Israel is at the center of that story. Israel is the Hebrew name Yisra’el, meaning God contends, or one who struggles with God. Those identified with that name are God’s people, chosen for a purpose. And that is what Israel ultimately means: God’s people. Are all inhabitants in that country seeking God or maybe the government pressured the war?

  • Carolina Moscoso says:

    I asked God too; and He showed me a map inside my Bible and Gaza is not in Israel… just to let everyone know and seek the truth.

  • Scott says:

    It is a war of barberism vs civilation and MUST be won. Our god has blessed Israel and so should we.

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