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Paula Today: Fasting Made Simple 

Are you believing God for: A lost loved one to be saved? Financial crisis to turn around? Deliverance from an addiction or stronghold? Intimacy with the Father? Fasting is your secret (often overlooked) source of power. Biblical fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. From the beginning, fasting was normal part of a relationship with God.


Living Grateful: Praise Has The Power to Penetrate

Today, we are continuing our new series, “Living Grateful!” You too can change an atmosphere in your home, in the church, in your workplace, in the world… with an attitude of gratitude. I often say, “What you appreciate, appreciates…”


Clear The Clutter Pt2

Continuation of Paula White preaching the classic sermon “Clear The Clutter” from the series “Bring On The Big” at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA in 2006.


Your life and God’s plan (what will you do Esther?)

Have you ever thought about your life being a part of a bigger plan… God’s plan? Will you sit on the sidelines and watch generations wasted? Or will you stand up for righteousness, stand up for Jesus, in covenant with God, “for such a time as this.”

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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