

Paula White Ministries (PWM) is now boots on the ground in Western North Carolina working alongside ministry partner CityServe in helping survivors of Hurricane Helene and distributing life giving resources.

Pulling several ministries together to create a coalition of hope is important to Pastor Paula. Along with CityServe, PWM has teamed up with Love and Life Foundation, MedicCorp, 180 Disaster Relief, Spokes of Hope, Intercessors for America and the National Faith Advisory Board to bring help to the hurting.


In a very short period of time over 16 inches of rain pummeled those living in the mountainous Carolinas. Flash floods and mudslides took out homes, highways and trees for miles. Hundreds have died and hundreds more are missing. Five states were impacted by the category 4 hurricane; Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Caroline.

Currently Paula White Ministries and her compassion partners have set up resource centers in Aiken and Greenwood SC and at Lake Lure, NC. More sites in the remaining states are coming online shortly.

No one organization can meet the vast needs a disaster brings, but by working together powerful partnerships create a holistic approach to disaster relief. Each site that has been set up provides water, food, fuel, hot meals and communication through Starlink by SpaceX.

With very little government help to this point, the ministry of help and presence from PWM and it’s partnering organizations is critical to the ongoing recovery efforts.

Pictured above: Some of our volunteer team including Ivanka Trump helping us. Thank you Ivanka!!!

PWM Pastor of Global Outreach Todd Lamphere (in video above) was sent by Pastor Paula to help with the disaster relief efforts in North Carolina. “The devastation in North Carolina is indescribable. The destruction is massive and wide spread. So may people are still unaccounted for,” Lamphere said. Power is still unavailable and communication has been cut off, that is until now. “Thanks to a generous donation from Elon Musk and SpaceX, we are able to place Starlink stations at each of our hubs and to set up communication stations at every first responder site and vehicle,” said Lamphere.

Using helicopters donated by MedicCorp and Love and Life Foundation, the PWM team was able to go into unreachable areas and bring relief and help to those trapped on the mountain. The ability to bring communication to the stranded residents was overwhelming to them. With tears streaming down her face, one North Carolinian said, “Thank you for coming. Thank you for getting us communication. For the first time I have been able to talk with my family and let them know I am alright.” Another person said, “You have no idea what it means to now be able to talk with family.”

Join the effort to help those in need. “God expects His children to care when others hurt. God blesses us for the purpose of being a blessing to those in need,” said Pastor Paula. “Consider joining me in helping the victims of Hurricane Helene.

“Lord, when saw we you hungry, and fed you? or thirsty, and gave you drink?…And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25: 35; 37; 40)

Please continue to pray for those whose lives that have been so affected by this disaster, as well as our continued outreach to meet their needs.




Paula White Ministries, as we have for many years now, again has moved into immediate action in accordance with the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:35:

“For I was hungry, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty as you gave me drink: I was a stranger and you took me in.”

We call it our “M25 Missions Outreach”!



As we have responded to previous disasters in the past here in the USA; Ukraine, Israel, and many other places, including providing over 29 million pounds of food in the last 4 years to those in need here in the US, Paula White Ministries is in the midst of a MASSIVE MOBILIZATION to help those tragically effected by the destruction from the winds and flooding several days ago of Hurricane Helene in the Southeast.



In response to this disaster, and working in conjunction with our partners at CityServe; Love and Life Ministries; Spokes of Hope; and 180 Disaster relief, we have already:

  • Set up our first base camp in Greenwood, SC, feeding several thousand hot meals to emergency responders, as well as the community.
  • We have established air support and rescue to those unreachable as of yet through Love and Life Ministries
  • We have set up clothing and food distribution in partnership with Jockey.
  • We rare setting up TODAY two more base camps tin Aiken, SC to meet the needs of the horrible dam break at the base of Lake Lure.

“Lord, when saw we you hungry, and fed you? or thirsty, and gave you drink?…And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25: 35; 37; 40)

Please continue to pray for those whose lives that have been so affected by this disaster, as well as our continued outreach to meet their needs.

Thank you!

Pastor Paula


Your support of Paula White Ministries makes a difference for so many people that need our help right now!




Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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