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Paula White Ministries is making a powerful difference with our partner organizations regarding the devastating impact of recent hurricanes in North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

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Paula White Ministries has been boots on the ground in these hardest hit areas, immediately mobilizing to provide urgently needed care and compassion to those impacted, but we need your help more than ever!

Over this past weekend our focus shifted to 2 specific areas:

  • Orlando and Apopka areas of Florida, where we are servicing communities all the way to Tampa and Daytona Beach.
  • Chimney Rock, North Carolina. This small, quaint tourist town was devastated by the raging waters that came from the mountains, the mudslides that took out roads, dams, homes and businesses… and produced such critical needs, as you can see in this report.

Immediately after Hurricane Milton passed Thursday early morning, we immediately sprang into action and activation and coordinated several truckloads of food, water, and life-giving/sustaining supplies to our PWM/City of Destiny Hub at StoryLife Church in Apopka, FL.

I commissioned our Outreach Coordinator, Todd Lamphere, to begin working with our Partner Organizations and local ministries to begin dispersing from our Apopka Hub to the other hubs and churches around Florida to provide food, water, tarps, cleaning supplies, even generators to people in desperate need, letting them know they are not alone!

Paula White Ministries is also taking on a massive project of resurrecting Chimney Rock, North Carolina, where the epicenter of hurricane Helene happened just several weeks ago.

Currently we are in the phase of mucking out businesses and homes, boarding up homes so further damage is not done, feeding volunteers and military personnel that are serving Chimney Rock, and providing hope with the gospel of Jesus Christ!


Paula White Ministries has joined this coalition of hope to help resurrect Chimney Rock, NC!

The damage is extensive, with many people’s homes flooded, power outages, furniture destroyed, and necessities like food and shelter in short supply. Paula White Ministries is committed to being there for the long haul, not just providing immediate relief, but also supporting the long-term rebuilding efforts.

If you can help, your financial support right now, whether small or large, and your prayers, will go a very long way in supporting Paula White Ministries by:

  • providing hope
  • transforming lives
  • healing hearts
  • and ESPECIALLY winning souls!

On this past Saturday alone, Paula White Ministries has recently provided 6 tractor tailor loads and distributed over 600 thousand dollar’s worth of lifesaving supplies and resources.

Since Hurricane Milton hit just days ago with such devastating force throughout the state of Florida, we have resourced 20 churches this week alone to go into their communities and have also resourced our partner hub, The River at Tampa Bay Church, Tampa, FL with several truckloads of supplies.

Jesus said to us in Matthew 25:35, “I was hungry and you gave me food…thirsty, and you gave me drink.“

Thank you for joining us in the fulfillment of the gospel.


You can give right now to support PWM and our Disaster Relief by:

  • Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions.
  • Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to sow an offering


Grateful for your support,


Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Heather Katherine Scott says:

    👋 Hello ! I’ve been out of work recovering from a horrific dog attack. Im better now though this was 3 1/2 months ago. So i do not have much money. I could help yall personally or physically. If need help for a few days and i can get to where you are i would definitely love to come help. I can pray and talk to people . Tell them to have hope because God has saved my life now like 7 or 8 times. He gave me alot of gifts and i wanna help as many people as i can. I will be helping Mr.Trump and senators till November or longer. Im a volunteer for them too. I’m a very hard worker and very good with people. Just a thought ❤Always Heather

  • Joseph Osoro says:

    Hello woman of God sister Paula, Hope you’re doing quiet good in the Lord Jesus Christ. I’m apastor Joseph Osoro from kenya East Africa nyamira county kisumu city , I ask you to work with you here in kenya and please establish your ministry here in kenya east africa working together to expanding the kingdom of God worldwide by preaching the word of God to unreachable places in the world. Please You’ll let me know woman of God.

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