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We are a “living epistle”. The Lord has written many “chapters” and “scripts” in my life, not just for me, but really for you. Something Greater is about how you find your purpose, how you walk out your calling, how you get through your trials, how you know that God, no matter what season you’re in, has something greater for you.

Click here to watch video “God has Something Greater for you”:

I came out of the poorest state in the United States, Mississippi. My father committed suicide when I was just five years old, sexually and physically abused for many years.

There are chapters in your story that you just wish, “oh, man, I wish I could rip that part out…” But God knew that chapter before you were ever sent here. And I have come to learn that those chapters have ministry, they have purpose, even in the mess, and that my life would preach hope. It would preach grace, it would preach restoration. It would preach the goodness of God.

God wants to do something greater in your life.

Click here to watch video “Something Greater is on your life”:

There first time I ever heard the Gospel I was sitting in a small house of a relative of my boyfriend… his uncle looked at me and said, “I’ve got the answers to your questions, and the solution to your pain and problems.” And he held up this book and he showed me the Word of God…

All of a sudden, my whole life that had been black and white soon became ‘Technicolor;. And I just said, “God, I want to know You!” They would call me ‘trailer trash’. But what some people call trash, (see God’s in the recycling business) He calls treasure.

Every one of us have an assignment. And God in His sovereignty still chose YOU… He still chose me.

Remember when you fall down, “a good man keeps getting back up seven times.” And everybody’s purpose is unique, it’s individualized. It’s custom designed by God Himself.

You need to know Something Greater is on your life.

You can order any of the Something Greater resource packages today at:



Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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