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“The First Step Act is a faith friendly bill allowing churches and organizations like Prison Fellowship equal access to inmates…”

Now that the holidays are over, I want to again thank God for the BI-PARTISAN passage of the First Step Act that we worked so hard and prayed for. This bill brings new life to hundreds of thousands of incarcerated individuals who need a second chance at life. So much of the First Step Act models the principles laid out in Scripture.

We’ve needed this bill for a long time. Good people do bad things and deserve a second lease on life. I believe we can be strong on crime and compassionate at the same time. The First Step Act accomplishes both. We know that one in three adult Americans have some sort of criminal record. We know we have two million Americans currently incarcerated. We also know 40% of  them will be rearrested within five years.

The First Step Act is a faith friendly bill allowing churches and organizations like Prison Fellowship equal access to inmates. It is also a family friendly bill that keeps inmates closer to their families and provides opportunities for incarcerated parents to stay connected with their children. But for the inmate, it is a future friendly bill with vocational training and crucial life skills training provided by faith organizations and other organizations that help inmates re-enter society.

Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for your support. On behalf of the thousands and thousands of Americans who will benefit with a second chance at life…THANK YOU!

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Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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