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“We have taken all measures and precautions to make sure that we are a safe environment.” -Pastor Paula

We have a three-fold approach for making the in-house worship experience at the City of Destiny safe, sanitized, and secure. 

First, we have installed cutting edge CIMR (Continuous Infectious Microbial Reduction) technology in our air ventilation system that immediately decontaminates and eliminates all pathogens, viruses, and germs, by continuously producing safe levels of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide purifies the air by finding the unhealthy pathogens, attaching to them and wiping them out. 

Second, all volunteers will be wearing PPE and masks will be made available to anyone needing one. A state of the art, non-invasive infrared temperature station is being installed where all will pass by when entering the sanctuary. Additionally, hand sanitation stations are strategically situated throughout the building. 

Third, we have rearranged the seating in the sanctuary to allow for social distancing. Every row is spaced six feet apart and non families members will sit six feet apart.

We will not have any children’s church right now- but bring your family and friends and practice social-distancing with us as we gather to worship God!

You can join us in-person every Sunday at 10 a.m. & Wednesday at 7p.m. at 505 E. McCormick Rd. Apopka, FL 

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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  • Nikki Miller says:

    Paula thank you so much for your timely message and the call of God’s people to take their rightful place not only at the alter but everywhere we stand! I would love to participate in your church services commencing soon! As a missionary I know all to well the signs of spiritual warfare. I am ready to pray and fast until The Lord intervenes. For such a time as these, let everything be shaken until The Lord re-establish His divine order for our Nation! To God be the Glory!
    Your sister in Christ
    Nikki Miller

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