BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump announced today that our founder and president of Paula White Ministries and the National Faith Advisory Board, Paula White-Cain, has been appointed to lead the newly established White House Faith Office.
This initiative, unveiled by President Donald Trump during the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6, 2025, aims to address anti-Christian bias within federal agencies and promote religious freedom nationwide. The office will work alongside a new task force led by Attorney General Pam Bondi to combat discrimination against Christians in federal institutions such as the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Paula’s leadership in this role underscores a steadfast commitment to fostering faith-based initiatives and ensuring that religious liberties are upheld across the country.
Congratulations! You are the perfect choice for the White House Faith Office. The Lord will do great things in this season. The Torah will indeed be proclaimed across this land and the “Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” It is time for all nations to learn God’s ways. (Isa. 2:3; Micah 4:2) Blessed be the Name! You have the opportunity to be among the greatest evangelists of our time. It is a season of building; and, you’re the one. Again, congratulations.
Great Day, by faith I bring my request before you. It would be an hour to serve along side Pastor Paula White and the newly founded White House Faith Office.
I ran for State Representative for District 8 Florida. It’s the bluest district in all of Florida. I didn’t win the election but I know God has a massive political plan for me in this nation.
I will leave my previous campaign’s website below and other contact information.
God bless you all,
Will this include Gnostic Christian’s?
I need President Trump to help me. I endured so much backlash from the Democrats for supporting him. They have blocked me from 80% of the government websites . So I can’t apply on line for business loans and if I do they deny my loan.
I just want someone to have my back like I had there’s for once.
Absolutely not.
Maybe not tell the whole world what ur thinking lol
Paula White-Cain…to lead the newly established White House Faith Office.
As a recently retired US Army Senior Intelligence Officer here in the ‘National Capital Region’ and currently a FED GOVT Senior Intel Officer, I have detested to see the faith-based ministries in these organizations significantly decline. Not to even mention the lack of integrity for faith within the school systems today…Having the POTUS recognize such a need to be taken back within our communities and workplaces has always been part of ‘HIS’ divine plan. I am grateful and pleased to see we will be able to pray again and say the word ‘Lord’ within the, previously, closed off walls. I pray for the anointing upon Paula White-Cain and discernment as she continues to remain obedient in fulfilling Gods plans for this great nation. This, too, ‘HE’ will carry you through!!
Are there any positions open for the Faith office?
Congratulations, Pastor Paula!
I am excited for you to lead this post again! I learned so much while serving alongside you in your ministry in Tampa.
I enjoyed the Faith Initiative phone calls I was honored to be a small part of during your last time serving under President Trump. Last year, I moved to North Carolina and now serve under a well-known ministry. Our leader was blessed to lead the prayer at President Trump’s Inauguration. Please let me know how I could serve the Lord by serving you. Of course, I will cover you and all of the President’s appointees and their families in prayer. My daughter Holly and I enjoyed serving with you years ago in Tampa. Warm regards, Mary
Congratulations! I’ve been under attack from exactly this persecution. I have so much information and proof this is happening in Washington state. I’ve tried to contact everyone from the former president down to the local police with no reply or just being plain stonewalled. This truly is a can of worms with a lot of people involved. Can I suggest looking at these persecuted/ gangstalking sites with an open mind, these people are telling the truth as crazy as it seems. It is state sponsored terrorism and there are a lot of people who need help. Thank you and God bless
Dear Paula, I would like to throw my hat in to be considered to work in some capacity in your newly created government office. I am in California, but would happily relocate. My name is Elizabeth DeLynn Buonvicino and I’m 63. I’ve been married for over 30 years, raised 5 kids (4 are in ministry) led, taught or been involved in prayer ministry of some sort for 33 years. I currently do a small radio prayer meeting out of San Diego (but I’m located in Thousand Oaks). I just led my church in prayer for America every Wednesday night for the past year. I’ve just self published one of a few books I’ve written entitled, The Box (on Amazon). I have never for one second wavered from supporting President Trump from the escalator. I have a word from the Lord to take up a National Tithe which I hope to help facilitate one day. I have basically served under the radar which has suited me very well 🙂 I think we’re from a similar stream – I saw you speak years ago at Angeles Temple.
I am excited about President Trump’s announcement regarding Gaza and I would love to be a part of the strategizing on the spiritual healing and sanctification of the land before he builds. I would really love to be a part of your team and feel I can make strong beneficial contributions to America’s vision – if nothing else to help you facilitate prayer but truly to serve in any capacity. Thanks for giving this message your time and consideration.
Elizabeth DeLynn Buonvicino (I go by DeLynn but my friends call me Lynnie)
Our government was founded on the idea of religious freedom. Meaning that government should have no control over a citizens religious practice. This extends to all religious practices, not just Christians. I hope Paula, you are prepared to foster faith for people of ALL religions. Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhist all exist in this country and should not be subject to persecution from the government and should not have their tax dollars funding Christian ideology.
Please, help us! We and may be hundreds more of cristian ministers will have to leave the country because the limit of 5 years for religious visa. We are working to up lift the christian faith in our communities but we can not stay here more than 5 years. If we leave for 1 year, the church will not survive and all the work will be worthless. Our I360 is authorized, but Biden change the process in order to delay it for years. Help us!!
Pastor White,
Thank-you for embracing your new role, leading the White House Faith Office! I know God’s anointing is on you, and will be on the team you select to help discover and purge the discrimination, pillaging, and violence against God’s church and faith based organizations.
As a Christian of 45 years, watchman and intelligence analyst of 22 years; with an obtained, 2017 MA in Intelligence Analysis; I would like to know how I might be able to apply as a team candidate for this critical task force.
With continual prayer for you all, God bless your team in their successful efforts!
Corrine Daniele
Goodmorning pastor Pastor Paula White
wish your devotional team the grace + , courage require to blossom more in the agencies of the core foundation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.
JOHN 13 , 14:6-9
There has been an office of faith before since bush jr but it was always a multi faith office that has watered down the true message of Faith!
Congratulations Miss White on your appointment!
Let me know how I can support you in this effort !!
G.M. Pastor Paula White, “DITTO to every word” @Steven Irwin,
I also a member of Spiritually, Awakened, Governed and Empowered S.A.G.E. led by Dr. Alveda King, I pray that she will have a place and pray that Dr. Alveda King will drag me along. lol. But, this office is needed, especially for new born again Christians, this office will help her stay the hard rocky of course of the Christ road. But, it will be a lot easier to work in an environment free of persecution.
Have Blessed Day
In Christ Holy Service
Lt. Helen (S.A.G.E)
Praying for you for strength and wisdom for such a time as this.
Beautiful & insightful spiritual intake for minds blowing miracles from the stream of divine knowledge , the earth is of the fulness there-off , the mighty dominion would continue to last
psalm 119:79 , 137 , 143
mark 4:2-16 , 11:3-6 , 13:2-9
proverb 4:5-7, 11 , 13:6-11 , 19:3-17
Paula, please help the Christian Migrants fleeing IRAN and Afghanistan. I just read that Iranian Christians were shackled and flown on Military Planes to Panama. Please help these people and allow them into the USA.