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The people of Ukraine need your help right now!

Paula White Ministries and CityServe International, along with City of Destiny Church, has partnered with MercyChefs, Intercessors For American & Intercessors for Ukraine, and Revival Missions International to begin distributing millions of meals to the hurting and hungry Ukrainian refugees that have fled to Poland and Romania in the face of the incredible crisis and devastation happening RIGHT NOW.

There are countless people desperately in need of help and nourishment, literally standing in lines to try to get any food they can and keep their families alive, and the number is growing fast. Additionally, our partnering ministries will be assisting with the spiritual and emotional needs of the refugees and providing housing as available.

They need you now.

Can you help them with me?

We are organizing an initial distribution of 1 MILLION MEALS to go to Poland and Romania for the Ukranian refugees to get food and relief to them as fast as possible, and we need everyone who has a heart to make a difference and change lives to give whatever they can.

Help immediately and give a ministry gift to Paula White Ministries to feed Ukrainian refugees and provide relief to those in crisis over there.

Your gift supports:

  • Food Aid
  • Refugee Disaster Relief
  • A strengthening of the Ukrainian faith community

Click this link here to give right now:

Text “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions. Select “Ukraine Crisis Relief” from the text to give drop down menu)

• Or call 1-800-PAULA-17 and tell my operator you want to help Paula White Ministries provide food to Ukraine. 

Paula White Ministries

Author Paula White Ministries

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