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Money matters in our life. Just because you’re a Christian doesn’t mean you don’t need money or that something’s going to fall out of the sky. In fact, you’re part of an eternal kingdom and God has given you laws, rules. They’re not the rules and laws of the world, they’re the laws and the rules of God. As a Christian, we are to be in a “Divine Partnership” with God. This partnership is conditional… “if you ___, then I will ___.”

Your money has a purpose!

I often say, “money is to the world what the anointing is to the child of God.” You see, there are two things that Satan really, really fights. He fights your provision and he fights the power of God. Because if you’re weak and defeated, and you’re a victim, and can never get out, you’re just going to say, “I’m barely making it into heaven by the finished work…” Well, you will make it into heaven, but you won’t do what you’ve been assigned to do here on this earth.

That’s your purpose. That takes God’s power, and that’s God’s promise to you. But then it also takes provision. Do you want your children to struggle like you did? Or would you like to turn that generational curse around and begin to leave generational blessing? You say, “Paula, how do you talk with such authority?” Because God has allowed me to live this…

God is looking for Kingdom Builders to fund the Kingdom!

But, as I say in the Introduction, “This (Money Matters) is not a super-spiritual book. I’ve written a number of those already about finances. This is the book that will help you in the natural. We’ve got to do both. We’ve got to get our hearts aligned spiritually so that God can bless us, but we also need to be wise and learn how to manage the blessings He bestows upon us.”

Ask yourself this question: What do you want from your money? Because that’s going to help you to find and determine motive.

I say this: “we work for purpose, we don’t work for money, we make our money work.” So in other words, what is the purpose for me to prosper?

What is the intention for the desire of money? Because money without purpose, to me, is simply materialism. And your money has a mission, you have to discover its assignment!

I knew that I was called to preach the gospel to nations, I knew that I was called to show forth the hand of God in a very significant way and to do humanitarian acts in the earth. I understood specific assignments, specifically with women and children around the world. So I began to set the purpose for everything personally that I would acquire and everything that this ministry would acquire. I KNEW we were to transform lives, heal hearts, and see souls saved.

Money follows your value system. What is your value system for money? Because this is going to begin to dictate everything. A value is a mission. It’s a belief, it’s a set of principles which we live our lives from. The principles dictate what we do with our money.

  • How do you handle it?
  • How do you get it?
  • How do you give it if you have a value system?

I do not believe that destiny is something we define for ourselves; destiny is something that has already been defined for us by God. An individual’s role is to “discern” what has already been prescribed. Purpose is God’s divine intention for your life. It comes from Him and is your supreme reason for being. I found purpose in life, not just a purpose for life.

Too often, as believers, we make purpose and destiny more complicated than it really is. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps (Proverbs 16:9 NIV).

I am firmly convinced of three truths:

  • The key to your financial future is in your mind. How you think, feel, and talk about money are the foremost indicators of what you will acquire in life and how you will manage what you acquire.

Real change occurs from the inside out. If you want real change in your finances, you must deal with internal issues of thoughts, beliefs, and values. The change cannot occur through the manipulation of external factors. Fundamentally, financial freedom begins inside a person—and it is the desire for financial freedom that gives birth to all the behaviors that produce financial freedom.

  • Most people want financial freedom, but most people do not achieve financial freedom. Why? Primarily because they do not understand how money “works.” They are uneducated about financial matters.
  • Many people who do understand the basics of finances and desire financial freedom do not know how to manage money. They don’t know the techniques that bring maximum rewards.

This book addresses each of these issues.

These are the topics I take you through:

  • How Do You Feel About Money?

  • What Do You Think about Prosperity?

  • What Do You Really Want?

  • What Do You Value?

  • What Do You Say About Money?

  • Streams of Income

  • Learn from the Professionals

  • 21 Truths from the Ultra-Successful

  • Ten Areas of PR (Personal Responsibility)

  • Set Financial Goals

  • Confront Your Debt

  • Take Control of Your Spending

  • Making a Budget

  • Prepare, Protect, and Maximize

  • Freedom, Legacy, and Influence

  • No More Excuses

Are you ready to go to the next level in your finances?

Are you ready to be able to do next level ministry?

Do you have “Next Level Dreams” that require financial favor and acceleration?

Take the necessary step to get the keys, the wisdom, understanding and instruction to go to the next level.

Receive Paula’s Brand-New Book, “Money Matters” for your ministry gift of $20 or more today!

I want the Money Matters Book

Many people who do understand the basics of finances and desire financial freedom do not know how to manage money. They don’t know the techniques that bring maximum rewards. This book addresses each of these issues.

And now along with the companion workbook and also the 2-CD series, the Money Matters Package has the tools to get to the next level in your finances!

We will send you the “Money Matters” Book, The “Money Matters” Workbook, and the 2-disc Money Matters audio teaching: “Increase and Stewardship” for your ministry gift of $50 or more!

I want this Money Matters Package

THIS IS THE COMPLETE PACKAGE! Everything you will need to go to the next level in your finances. There is a natural side and the spiritual side to finances. That is where my other brand-new book “From Promise to Provision” comes in… This package covers everything about God’s order to finances!

We will send you the “Money Matters” Book, The “Money Matters” Workbook, and the 2-disc Money Matters audio teaching: “Increase and Stewardship,” as well as the new book, “From Promise to Provision” for your ministry gift of $70 or more!

I want this Complete Package

We can’t just keep walking with the same perspective as the past. Money does Matter. I believe that God is going to give you the principles and the practical so you are going to see increase in your life this year!

Great things are coming to you!